Our Mission
The mission of HART (Health Awareness & Recovery Together) is to promote awareness of how the Heroin epidemic and other substance abuse affects Hilliard and surrounding areas; educate the community how to prevent and reduce opiate/prescription and other drug abuse; stand ready to address new drug trends; and provide mental health resources to foster a healthy lifestyle.
First Let'sDiscover
Ohioans are more likely
to die from an accidental drug overdose than in a motor vehicle crash. (National Safety Council & ODH) ~~~~~~~ On average, approximately 8 people die each day in Ohio due to unintentional drug overdose. (Ohio Dept of Health) ~~~~~~~ Youth are 50% less likely to use drugs if parents talk to them early & often about the dangers of substance use. (NCADD & SAMHSA) ~~~~~~~ Drug use went up 61% among 8th graders between 2016 & 2020. 50% of teens have misused a drug at least once. (NCDAS) |
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Dates Upper Arlington HS 1625 Zollinger Rd, Upper Arlington *part of back-to-school event, not open to the public August 23rd 6:30pm-8:30pm Hilliard Horizon Elementary Health & Wellness Fair 6000 Renner Rd, Columbus September 14th 5pm-8pm Hilliard BeWell Community Event Hilliard Darby HS 4200 Leppert Rd, Hilliard September 20th 5pm-8pm Black Balloon Day March 6, 2024 Eastland/Fairfield Career Center CONTACT US TO RESERVE A DATE |
If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, these organizations can provide assistance and direction. (Check out the RESOURCES tab for more information.)
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